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Moustache Nail Art for Movember

As per previous years again I will be raising funds for Movemeber an important cause working to improve men’s physical and mental health. So I’ve decided to create some cute movember nail art to kick the occasion. You might be wondering how I can participate as a female.

Movember have many options that don’t include growing a moustache. I’m taking up the movement challenge, with a goal of walking or rowing 60KM across the whole month. It’s looking to be rainy for the upcoming few months so I suspect I’ll be doing more rowing. 60KM may sound like a lot but if you split it across the whole month it ends up being 2KM each day which is manageable.

I hope you can support the organisation and make a donation! I’ll put all the links/details below.

Bright Colours for Spring

OPI Pastel Polish

Given that we are now in Spring in Australia, even though it doesn’t quite feel like at the moment with all the storms, I felt that some pastel colours would work best. I would also ensure that the moustache decals aren’t too washed out by the base colour.

I used the following OPI shades:

  • My Dogsled is a Hybrid – Green
  • Dreams need Clara-ficcation – Blue
  • Tickle My France-y – Pink (view the full swatch here)
  • Gelato on My Mind – Light Blue
  • Poly want a lacquer? – Purple

OPI Pastel Polish

Movember Nail Art

To complete the look I used some  moustache water decals! I love water decals and stickers as they are a great way to create aweseome designs really quickly.

Most water decals include some basic instructions but if you haven’t used them before check out my guide here: How to use Water Nail Decals

Movember Nail Art


I had a lot of fun creating this Movember nail art and playing with the colours!

If you would like to donate please head to my page here: DONATE HERE

Movember Donate QR code

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